About Fairhaven School

At Fairhaven we pride ourselves in our school and our facilities.

Such as:

  • Heated pool
  • Hall and stage
  • Whare Kotahitanga
  • 3x playgrounds (Junior, Middle & Senior)
  • Library
  • Cricket nets and pitch
  • Netball and basketball courts
  • Sand pits
  • Large field area (Rugby, soccer, etc.)
  • Shade areas

2025 Teaching Staff Organisation

Paul Hunt – Principal
Sandra Cross – Deputy Principal – Year 3 – 6
Tatai Takuira-Mita – Deputy Principal – Year 0 – 2  & Toitoi Manawa

Totara Pod

Year 5 & 6

Rooms 3, 4, 5, 6

Dana Piggott – Room 3
Seamus Collins – Room 4 (Sports Coordinator)
Taryn Furnell – Room 5 ( Digital Curriculum Lead)
Kayla Carroll & Jaala Poihipi – Room 6 (Pod Leader/Kahui Ako Across School Lead)

Rata Pod

Year 3 & 4

Rooms 13, 14, 21, 22

Alicia Best – Room 13
David Scown – Room 14 (Pod Leader)

Colleen Wills – Room 15
Emily Corfield  – Room 21
Trish Hunt – Room 22 (Indian Dance)

Miro Pod

Year 2

Rooms 10, 11, 12

Jeanette Crawford – Room 10

Sandy Hollinshead – Room 11
Claire Turner – Room 12

Tawa Pod

Year 0 (NE) & Year 1

Rooms 7, 8, 9, 10

Mandy Miller – Room 7
Claudia Jones – Room 9
Maddie Goodwin & Jennifer Cranston – Room 16


Toitoi Manawa

Māori Immersion

Rooms 17, 18, 19, 20

Te Rea – Hollie Hauraki – Room 20
Te Tipu – Nita Takiari – Room 18
Te Pihinga – Patuara Biel – Room 19
Te Māhuri – Sophie Anania – Room 17 
Pod Leader – Hollie Hauraki 

Learning Support Coordinator: Liz Logan
ORS Specialist Teacher: Janelle Hungerford
Reading Recovery Teacher & ORS Spealist Teacher: Nicola Gibbons
Classroom Teacher Release: Natasha Amadio, Helen Williams and Kimberly Petri

What makes Fairhaven School a great place to learn and grow?

  • Caring, supportive, experienced & dedicated Staff
  • Modern classroom environments
  • A wide variety of extracurricular activities and experiences to develop your child’s confidence and self-esteem
  • The use of technologies to assist with learning. A range of devices, depending on the year level, including ipads and chromebooks
  • Great facilities — Heated swimming pool, large hall, Whare Kotahitanga, large fields, library, 3x playgrounds, cricket nets and pitch, sand pits, shade areas etc.
  • Awesome opportunities and support for children
  • Fantastic parent participation and support

Nat van der Merwe

I am writing this to express my heartfelt appreciation to all of the staff at Fairhaven. Our journey started 2 years ago. They say 1st impressions last, well I was approached by a very friendly, sincere gentleman on the day that I enrolled my kids and to my surprise it was the principal Mr Hunt. What is most impressive to me is that until today he is that same friendly man who is approachable to kids.

I am always looking forward to hear how my kids’ day went at school as there is always a story to tell! Thanks for all the care and support from the dedicated teachers! On a daily basis I can testify to an incredible team at Fairhaven! Fairhaven creates a secure atmosphere for the kids to dream, strive and achieve which ultimately produces happy confident children.

Thank you for equipping them to form healthy relationships and to develop their EQ.

Fairhaven you rock!

Monica Stevens

Fairhaven school have helped nurture my children into excited busy little people. They come home happy, eager to share all the great things they have experienced and learnt that day.

I have watched my children, who were once very shy, blossom. They are confident, outgoing and goal driven, constantly striving to do better. All their achievements are celebrated and acknowledged.

The teachers are always encouraging and supportive to both parents and children. I as a parent always feel included and valued and I know my children do too.

Fairhaven is a wonderful school, a school that values and supports their pupils pushing them to know their worth and potential is unlimited.